7.15 Collinearity
Collinearity in a Cox regression leads to the same problems as it does in other forms of regression (unstable parameter estimates, difficulty in interpretation – see Section 5.20), and the solutions to the problem are the same (e.g., remove redundant variables). However, unlike lm
and glm
, the car::vif()
function will not work with a coxph
object. Instead, first fit a linear regression model with any numeric variable as the outcome (here we use the event time variable) and compute the VIFs for that model.
pretend.lm <- lm(gestage37 ~ RF_PPTERM + MAGER + MRACEHISP + DMAR,
data = natality.complete)
## GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
## RF_PPTERM 1.006 1 1.003
## MAGER 1.162 1 1.078
## MRACEHISP 1.146 3 1.023
## DMAR 1.299 1 1.140